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Daily Market Summary
MAY 13th
1) VPI: Van Phu - Invest's financial risk remains significantly higher than the industry average, according to the assessment by FiinRatings. While the real estate market shows signs of improvement, VPI's heavy reliance on loan capital to finance projects contributes to its elevated risk profile.
Key points from FiinRatings' assessment:
The interest rate for all these bonds is 12% per annum.
5) DXG: Dat Xanh Group Joint Stock Company (HoSE: DXG) recently modified its capital usage plan from the proceeds of a 1,220.1 billion VND offering of 102 million shares, priced at 12,000 VND/share to existing shareholders (ratio 6:1), conducted between December 2023 and January 2024.
6) CII: Under Official Dispatch No. 460/2024/CV-CII dated May 9, 2024, of CII sent to the State Securities Commission and Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange. Ho Chi Minh City on Reporting on the results of issuing 413,300 CII shares to convert 4,133 CII42013 bonds at Phase 7 on May 2, 2024, the Company announced a change in the number of CII42013 bonds in circulation since May 9 2024 as follows:
A total number of CII42013 outstanding bonds:
Reason for change: Convert 4,133 CII42013 bonds into shares Phase 7 on May 2, 2024